Are you tired of struggling to open and close your patio door with your fingertips ?
Are you thinking you are ready to make the move to have a handle added to your door, but still wondering how it will benefit you?
Let’s quickly review the benefits and see if you can recognize some of the values of adding a regular Handle that is designed to use your hand and not your fingertips. Our handles eliminate the need found with the common recessed Handle that require you to operate your door only by using your fingertips, which is difficult, and or even painful!
- Let's touch on some of the benefits of having a Handle
- First off, a regular "wrap your hand around type Handle" is just generally easier to operate.
- It's easier for kids & grandkids to open and close the door and would eliminate all those little fingerprints on the glass!
- And let's not forget the Ladies... No more damaging or worse yet, broken nails!
- How about ease of operation for those of you with arthritis or muscle weakness!
- And last but certainly not least, you are entertaining and or grilling and there is that struggle to open and close your sliding patio door when you're carrying that tray of food or beverages! That's when a Handle will allow you to operate your door by simply using your elbow to get through the door and not miss a beat.
Handle-Man offers several matching styles of handles to fit most all manufacturers.

Slide to see before and after